Perrin heads north, Rand and Rodel make peace, and Michael Bubble shows up! Enjoy!
Kaladin heals, Shallan tries to figure out what to do next, and we get another flashback! Enjoy!
Kaladin gets rocked like a hurricane! Oh boy this should be a fun one! Enjoy!
Well it was a battle, but at what cost and still some setup for this book! Enjoy!
Side Carry...what can go wrong? Wait it's Kal...everything always goes wrong! Enjoy!
How about we check in with Avi? It's been awhile and while we are at it how about Gawyn? And Rand and Cadsuane because why not? Enjoy!
Caddy Cat Cadsuane being a boss and Egwene being a boss! Lets Go! Enjoy!
Shinovar, Spren, Szeth, and Shallan! All the S names all the S's! Enjoy!
Kal gets pretty good with a bo staff and Dalinar makes a tough decision! Enjoy!
Dalinar continues on his story arc and actually goes on a plateau run, oh and we get a Kaladin flash back! Enjoy!
Well Mat becomes a real lord! Yay? Enjoy!
We learn more about our favorite bridge crew and we even learn Rock's real name! Enjoy!
So its over right? Andor is whole right? Enjoy!
Oh trippy visions!!!! This should be fun! Enjoy!
Back to Elayne... will there be baths? Listen and Find Out! LAFO! Enjoy!
Flashback time and then another bridge run, this should go well... Enjoy!
We were at the plateau Everybody had matching plate A chull went running And there they saw a rock It wasn't a rock Was a rock lobster! Enjoy!
Why Aram? Why? Welp, enjoy I guess?
Who are all these people? And then what is this thing they are hunting? Enjoy!
Jasnah warms up to Shallan after some great negotiations and we get some back story on Kaladin before he takes charge? Enjoy!
BRIDGE FOUR!!!!! Oh and some Shallan chapters. Haha. I do love Shallan, but Bridge Four! Enjoy!
Well I guess we need to give Rand a hand...too soon...yeah that was a bad Dad Joke and the attack on the Shaido begins. Enjoy!
Egwene, Mat, and Perrin all in two chapters! Got a little bit for everyone! Enjoy!