Join Alan and Chris as they dive into a full book review of Elantris!
Lots of politics and more politics and Egwene!
We return to Cairhien and Colavaere did WHAT!?!?!?!
More Dumai's Wells aftermath and lots of smells! Yep lots of Perrin!
And so it begins...for the seventh time! We march forward picking up the pieces from Dumai's Wells...literally pieces...of bodies...everywhere.... And with The Bard of the Red Hand joining us!!!!!!
It's Dumai's Wells...been waiting almost three years for this episode!
Welcome our contestants: Aradia from WoT Spoilers Morgan from Podcast of the Dragon Pevara from Airelle Sedai on Tic Tok This will be epic! Enjoy!
You do not want to miss this one. Not only are these amazing chapters but we will be joined by Jess from The Amyrlin's Study!
He has finally recovered from the stedding in Ian's basement and has returned! Will Loial make a guest appearance on the show! Tune in to find out!
Welcome back to the second Twitter of Time Awards! A celebration of the glorious and wonderful community on #TwitterOfTime
Well this is awkward... Perrin meets Faile's parents! And we arrive in Ebou Dar, what can go wrong?
We meet some blacksmith guy in this episode...couldn't remember if he was in these books before or not but he is here now, Perry or Pedgrin or something like that.
Avi, Elayne, Min are in these chapters...this should get interesting! Also Chapter 42 is called Black Tower!!! This should be good!
So much to say! Mat maybe says too much! While Eggy is over here playing chess on what to do next! Come join for some satisfying Salidar action!
She comes! She comes! The Amyrlin is Raised! Come listen for this sure to be amazing episode! Enjoy!
Chris is almost caught up on all Mistborn! Everything except Secret History so lets take sometime to discuss!
Pour one out for our homie! You will be missed sweet summer child of the dark! Oh and Egwene gets summoned to Salidar...but PAITR WHY!?!?!?
Welcome back for another edition of WoT of Fortune! Contestants this month are Dani and Brett from The Wheel Weaves Podcast and Ali and Gus from Wheel Takes Podcast! Don't miss this!!!
We welcome Nerdy Nightly to the pod for some great chapters!!! There will be excitement, there will be predictions, there will be tangents and shenanigans! Ok mostly tangents and shenanigans! Enjoy!
A visit from Eggy and Mr. Grey...what can go wrong!
We recap Mistborn: Shadows of Self with Chris...get his thoughts on the book and where Era 2 is going
I've seen Lighting and I've seen rain! Eggy and Gawyn should be fun but then whitecloaks be whitecloakin' too sooo... this should still be a fun episode to catch y'all! Enjoy!